

Bishop Ireton is proud to offer a variety of programs designed to provide a supportive and inclusive education. 
Mindful of the belief that all human beings are made in the image of Christ, we seek to foster spirituality and inclusion among all members of our student body. Students learn together, worship together, serve together, and celebrate one another. Bishop Ireton’s 特别服务队 collaborates with parents, 内容的老师, 学校辅导员, 学校的护士, 为学生提供必要的差异化支持,帮助他们在学业的各个方面取得成功. The Bishop Ireton 特别服务队 approaches programming as Christ-centered and student-centered work, 相信所有儿童都有权接受高质量的天主教教育,并充分发挥其潜力. We offer several year-long special service programs to support students academically.



  • 学术支持计划

    学术支持计划(ASP)是为有学习困难或在组织和计划方面有缺陷的学生设计的, 谁, 的支持下, 大学预科课程能成功吗. The primary role of this program is to teach students the study skills necessary for student success. Students attend ASP during their scheduled study hall period, receiving individual and small group instruction.

    ASP purposefully provides a more structured environment than study hall, where teachers model and teach effective approaches to workload management. 自我辩护技巧是早期的重点,这样学生就可以在需要时与老师一起寻求适当的帮助. 这些班级被有意地保持小规模(1:8的师生比例),这样就可以开发个性化的支持, 导致录取人数有限. 

    The fee for the 学术支持计划 for the 2023-24 school year is 外加学费2500美元.
  • 销售计划

    De Sales项目(DSP)旨在为诊断为轻度至中度特定学习障碍或发育障碍的学生提供服务. 学生在定期安排的课程中学习所有核心科目,并在一个学习室期间在资源教室中参加DSP. Ninth grade students attend DSP for two class periods, and delay taking a foreign language. DSP的主要重点是通过为学生提供专业的辅导支持来帮助他们满足学术课程的要求,从而帮助他们满足学术和组织方面的需求.

    提供个人和小组指导,密切监测学业进展,并在大多数学科领域提供技能强化. Emphasis is placed on improving executive functioning skills and study techniques. DSP工作人员定期与家长沟通,并利用家长-学生-教师会议来建立和审查个人教育目标. DSP教师与学生及其内容区教师密切合作,为学术环境设计适当的适应和住宿, and they help students develop self-advocacy skills in the classroom.

    The DSP addresses the needs of students according to the resources available within 艾尔顿主教高中. Not all recommendations and accommodations in a student’s psychoeducational evaluation are binding or feasible, but every effort will be made to meet the individual needs of each student.  
    The fee for the 销售计划 for the 2023-24 school year is 除了学费,还要3500美元.
  • 期权计划

    期权计划 is a special education program for students diagnosed with moderate intellectual disabilities, providing students with an individualized inclusive, 以学生为中心的天主教教育. 选修课程的学生将与同龄人一起参加大学预科课程,课程作业和评估将根据学生的目标和优势进行修改. 选择课堂安排了小组班(1:6的师生比例),让学生们努力实现目标,培养成功过渡到成年所需的技能.

    选项对学术有很强的承诺,强调学生的职业/过渡探索, founded on the belief that all individuals can learn. An Individualized Catholic Education Plan (ICEP) helps us to determine each student’s level of inclusion. 通过各种教学策略和评估工具来满足每个学生的需求,以实现他或她的潜力.

    在学校工作人员的监督下, peer mentor students assist students in the Options Program in both special and general education classes, 协助学习, 提供积极的行为支持, facilitating inclusion in both academic and non-academic settings, 作为倡导者和建立友谊. A primary goal for each student is to be as fully integrated as possible into the total life of the school community. Options students do not earn a high school diploma but rather, receive an Options Program certificate of completion. 

    The fee for the Options Program for the 2023-24 school year is 除了学费,还要3850美元.



  • 英语学习者支持

    Bishop Ireton does not have a formalized English Learner (EL) program, 但确实努力支持国际学生,使他们能够在学校快节奏的学术中取得成功,同时继续发展他们的英语语言技能. 学生在入学前通过标准化测试和与学校工作人员的面试来筛选英语语言能力. 如获录取, students and parents complete a Home Language Survey and begin a process of identifying needed supports. Language-based learning accommodations can be provided to make sure the student has support for the unique task of learning core content in their non-native language.
    If you have questions about English Learner supports, 请与特别服务处处长联络, Aga斯奈德 aga.snyder@whiest.com.
  • 作业中心

    学术支持团队为所有需要一个地方完成作业或准备考试的学生提供了一个新的支持层. 作业中心开门了 星期一、三、四下午3:15-4:30 在204房间.

    • Provide a structured drop-in space for any student 谁 wants a place to do homework.
    • Have multiple adults assist in the space and provide opportunities for direct support.
    • 帮助安排任务的优先级.
    • 在不同的科目上提供同伴辅导.
    虽然设计成一个积极主动的空间, 家庭作业中心也将成为一个强烈鼓励留校察看学生或需要更多定期支持的学生的地方, 最终, 必须出席.
  • 数学帮助中心

    All students have the opportunity to receive support with their math coursework at Bishop Ireton. The 数学帮助中心 is open during all study halls, and students may request to visit for any extra support. The 数学帮助中心 is currently offered virtually for remote and hybrid students. 学生们应该登录他们的门户账户,并在“数学帮助中心在线”资源板上寻找在线时间表和链接.

    • Help students in all areas of math or refer them to which teacher can help with their specific topic.
    • Provide instruction on missed lessons after an absence.
    • Provide additional instruction on concepts not yet mastered.
    • Help with homework or with specific areas of confusion so students can then complete the homework.
    • 和学生一起检查返回的评估,确保他们理解错误并了解下一步的内容.
    • 帮助学习即将到来的评估.
  • 医疗房屋

    学校护士和特殊服务主任一起工作,为那些有影响学术的医学诊断的学生提供在学校取得成功所需的住宿. They also advocate for accessibility for school events and academic programming. 学生服务可以是咨询或正式的医疗计划和/或学生援助计划,以确保学生的安全,并能参加整个学校的一天. 当学生遭受脑震荡时, 网络彩票平台运动教练合作制定脑震荡计划,以协助恢复期间的学者.
  • 测试中心

    测试中心是一个受监控的课堂环境,可以在缺席时补考或完成老师指定的额外测试. The 测试中心 is available for all students, 但是有学生援助计划(SAP)的学生可以使用测试中心作为他们的SAP的一部分.

  • 写作中心

    艾尔顿主教写作中心, Word Write Shop (WWS), is available as a standard support for all students. WWS旨在通过在写作过程的每个阶段提供帮助,帮助学生提高和加强他们在整个课程中接受的写作指导. The goal is to improve students’ written communication skills by providing them with tutorial help in planning, 起草, 修改论文, 研究论文, 报告, 口头报告, 以及大学/奖学金申请. The WWS is staffed daily by Bishop Ireton English teachers on a rotating basis. The WWS is currently offered virtually for remote and hybrid students. 学生应登录他们的门户帐户,并寻找“Word writing Shop Online”资源板,以获取在线时间表和链接.

    • Help students improve no matter what his or her writing abilities are to begin with.
    • 在写作过程的任何阶段提供帮助.
    • 帮助培养对编写良好的文档/项目/作业所需的学科的理解.
    • Read students’ work in a responsive, non-judgmental manner.
    • Refer students to appropriate sources for help on matters we cannot solve in the conference.
    • Show students critical thinking and analytical strategies for better self-editing.



  • 阿格涅斯卡·斯奈德摄

    阿格涅斯卡 斯奈德 

    (703) 212-5451
  • 伊丽莎白·萨瓦维奇的照片

    伊丽莎白 Subasavage 

    特殊服务教师/Department Chair, DeSales Lead
  • 莫林·艾伦摄

    莫林 艾伦 

  • 约翰·格克摄

    约翰 Gerke 

  • 格雷戈里·亨德森摄

    格雷戈里 亨德森 

  • 迈克·刘易斯摄

    迈克 刘易斯 

    特殊服务教师, Asst Varsity Boys Basketball Coach
  • 莫莉 McKone的照片

    莫莉 McKone 

    特殊服务教师, Peer Mentor Coordinator
  • 斯蒂芬妮 杉司勃伦纳移民的照片

    斯蒂芬妮  杉司勃伦纳移民 

  • 玛丽·凯特·威德默的照片

    玛丽凯特 Wiedemer 



If you think your child may qualify for academic accommodations, 请联络我们的特别服务处处长, Aga斯奈德 aga.snyder@whiest.com.